About me

I’ve always been interested in nutrition and how to unlock the natural ability of our body to heal itself. I’ve tried every new ‘health’ discovery and diet that seemed even remotely sane and read books my entire adult life to try and unlock the mystery. Unfortunately, the literature has been obscured with so many contradictory findings over the years that it can be daunting. To make matters worse, the people we trust the most with our health questions, medical professionals, either have nothing to offer or they disagree with one another about what is best. But in their defense, the system doesn’t set them up to provide wellness advice. Instead of training on nutrition or lifestyle, they are provided extensive study in how to treat diseases, manage disease symptoms and repair the body after injury. And thank God for all that, but I want more. So, when my daughter and her husband adopted a whole food plant-based diet to reverse some health issues I was fascinated to watch the dramatic results this change produced. At the same time, many of my dear friends, my age and younger, started dying painful deaths from diseases that might have been preventable and surely could have been negated or lessened by healthy lifestyle choices. That’s when I became serious about changing my life. Equipped with new knowledge from a plethora of sources and my daughter’s wise counsel, I started by revamping the kitchen and how we ate. I’d like to invite you on my journey as I share what I am learning and the obstacles I deal with when making such a dramatic change. I’ll even offer frequent insights from the many doctors, scientists, ministers, and seasoned practitioners who share what they have learned about lifestyle’s impact on our overall well-being. I believe that if you know something that could help others it is wrong to not share it. Sometimes, we find our way through someone else’s story. So, though you may be in a vastly different place in life, if you share the same desire to be the best you can be, I’m writing for you. I want to fully live until I die! Vibrant, alert, productive, learning, serving, and loving those who come my way.Faith
My faith became rooted in me as a small child. I learned to read the Bible and meditate on its precepts daily. I am what you could call a Seeker. I hunger to learn more about God and the many ways He communicates with His children. A quote from one of my favorite books, C.S. Lewis’ Mere Christianity, summarizes my Christian walk: “To have Faith in Christ means, of course, trying to do all that He says.” What God is saying to me in this season of my life is share. Share the truths I am learning, be generous with the gifts God has given me and live carefree before Him. As the old hymn says: “If I can help somebody as I travel along, with a word or song, my living shall not be in vain.” While my circumstances have changed many times since childhood; God never does. My relationship with Him has been the one rock solid thing in my life.

I have been married to the man of my dreams for over fifty years now. His love and gentle spirit have inspired me to grow and experience things I never dared imagine for myself. I will be eternally grateful for the gift of his love. Together, we have two fantastic children who are now married to wonderful people and building lives of their own. Our family now includes the two cutest and most delightful little men you could imagine, our grandsons! Most recently my sister moved just down the street fulfilling a wish I have had since we both left home as young women. There is no greater pleasure than having them all at the dinner table at the same time, despite the lack of elbow room.Currently
I am on the young side of my seventh decade, and still see lots of adventure on my horizon. The view in this season of life gives me perspective about the journey and shapes the experiences I share. I have taught adult Bible classes and technology courses. I’ve been a stay-at-home mom, a V.P. of a publicly traded corporation, and owner of a fine art gallery. I’ve been a home room mom, Trauma Intervention Program volunteer, hospice volunteer and served on the board of an Art Museum. I have lived in 26 homes across 12 cities and 5 states, but I still think of Prescott, Arizona as home. Now we reside just minutes away from our grandsons in a small home we lovingly refer to as ‘the shoebox’. I currently volunteer for the local elementary school’s literacy program, serve as a Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) for Williamson County and with my husband as marriage mentors at our church. There are inevitable challenges in life as we grow old, but I chose to focus on the opportunities God has given me here and now. I strive to live as Solomon prescribes in the book of Ecclesiastes, with a spirit of trust and adventure seizing every opportunity to grow, learn and serve in love.