

I parked at the end of the parking lot, so I could get a few more steps in while I was doing my errands.  When I came back, I noticed a pile of fast-food wrappers visible above the window on the passenger side of the car next to me.  The sheer volume of fast-food meals

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This week I read yet more research confirming how we judge the world based on our first impression.  It’s been called the anchor point or the impression fallacy.  It made me stop and evaluate how do I decide ‘what I believe’?  Whose information should I trust?  And where is it best to trust in something

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When the kids were youngsters, we sang a little song that’s refrain said “Self-control is just controlling myself, it’s listening to my heart, and doing what is smart.”  I still sing the first verse when I find myself needing some self-control.  The simple message relayed in a bit of humor always helps me get back

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Go Ask Alice

“One pill makes you larger, and one pill makes you small.  And the ones that your mother gives you, don’t do anything at all.  Go ask Alice, when she’s ten feet tall!”  Isn’t it interesting how we have developed into a society that expects instant results and judges based on what we see.  It isn’t

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