

This week life reminded me of the merry-go-round from my childhood.  It was made up of extremes that constantly kept me off balance.  I mailed a sympathy card and a birthday card at the same time.  We had friends visit from out of town, and while it was a joy to see them, it was painful to observe up close our friend’s battle with dementia.  We celebrated the 4th of July with some of our family and felt the loss of those not there and our diminished joy due to the condition these United States are in at the moment.  It was contradictions all around.  My pinched nerve got better and my allergies went into hyper-drive.  I traded back pain for head pain. 

So just like the merry-go-round that I rode as a child, I needed to get off the ride and sit somewhere quietly for a bit.  Hopefully under the shade of a tree where I could lean back and wait for the dizziness to subside. (Did I mention the ear-ache that accompanied my allergy attack?)  I reminded myself that I’m no good to anyone when I’m off balance.  And I can’t expect physical therapy or a good diet to replace the rest I know I need.

Recovery isn’t just physical; our hearts and soul’s need rest to recover from assaults as well.  So, I cancelled what obligations I could for the upcoming week and got my husband to set with me and plan a little vacation.  Just anticipating that refreshment made me relax. 

What do you need a break from this week?  Taking time out when you need it is wise counsel all around. 

Now, because of you, Lord, I will lie down in peace and sleep comes at once, for no matter what happens, I will live unafraid.” (Psalm 4:8 – TPT)

“When you have reached your own room, be kind to those who have chosen different doors and to those who are still in the hall.”  (C.S. Lewis – Mere Christianity)

Lifestyle Medicine (is) the use of a whole food, plant-predominant diet, regular physical activity, restorative sleep, stress management, avoidance of risky substances and positive emotions/social connection as a primary therapeutic modality for treatment and reversal of chronic disease.” (Michael Greger, M.D., FACLM – How Not to Age)

Yours for a Joyful Journey,


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