I parked at the end of the parking lot, so I could get a few more steps in while I was doing my errands.  When I came back, I noticed a pile of fast-food wrappers visible above the window on the passenger side of the car next to me.  The sheer volume of fast-food meals consumed made me wonder what prompted the decisions the owner of the car was making daily.  Was quick, cheap and easy of more value to him than any investment in his health?  Or did he not understand the importance of what he fed his body?  Was he alone in his car too much?  Was he oblivious to the emotional impact of constantly being surrounded by trash?

We make decisions every day.  Small ones and big ones, unconscious and intentional, but each decision has a repercussion.  Will I sleep in, or get up and exercise?  Should I make time to read something that will educate me, or do I surf social media for funny affirmations and slightly brazen opinions that make me feel right?  Do I grab fast food or prepare a healthier option?  Shall I write a note to an old friend struggling with life, or watch another episode of my favorite show?

Every decision is a vote for my future.  Will I add to my health and happiness bank account or will I make a withdrawal?  I recently heard a politician tell me that if I would just vote for him, I need not worry about ever voting again.  But if I don’t vote, or I am not allowed to vote, that is a withdrawal in my ability to make decisions in the future. 

Don’t be fooled.  You must decide how you will build your future, and every decision that reduces your choices is a bad one.  Well wait a minute.  If you are like me and can’t resist certain foods that are bad for you, then perhaps making a decision to NOT provide myself with that choice is a great decision.  You decide.

Whether you eat or drink, live your life in a way that glorifies and honors God.” (1 Corinthians 10:31 – TPT)

Simple choices can enhance and protect your brain, give you energy, improve your sleep, and boost your overall health.”  (Neal D. Barnard, M.D. – Power Foods for the Brain)

For those willing to open their minds and change their habits, lifelong excellent health is well within reach.” (Joel Fuhrman, M.D. – Eat For Life)

Yours for a Joyful Journey,


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