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Slow and Steady Wins the Race

I started my overhaul of our habits with probably the most important lifestyle choice for healthy longevity, our diets.

I began by picking a couple things I would eliminate from our diet and a couple I would add.  So out from the pantry and out the door went all our sweet or salty snacks.  As they say, if it’s in your house it’s in your mouth.  I learned how true this was when I purchased a favorite salty cracker for my grandson’s sleepover.   We had one of our crazy winter storms and the sleepover at Yaya’s (that’s me) was cancelled.  So of course, I ate the entire box of crackers.  For me salty snacks are triggers, I just can’t have them in the house, period.

That is when I learned that meat wasn’t the only bad M in my life.  Trying to practice moderation with a trigger food is impossible and motivation is a very fickle friend that will drop you like a hot potato just when you need it most.  I needed to build a sustainable habit that fit our lifestyle.  Intentions aren’t enough, I needed small repeatable baby steps I could do every day.  I had to get over my fear of what I saw as boring (oh no, not that), eating the same thing repeatedly until it was a habit before I began to augment that healthy habit for variety.

And while my tastes adjusted to my new diet, I reminded myself often of what I think I first heard Ocean Robbins say, “Nothing tastes as good as being healthy feels.”  With that as my mindset it was easier to forgo current pleasure for a lifetime of health. 

You see farmers do this all the time, waiting for their valuable crops to mature, patiently letting the rain do its slow but sure work.” (James 5:7 TM)

But how many cigarettes should your kids smoke?  How much cocaine should they have?  Moderation applies to healthful things, not to dangerous things.  (Neal D Barnard, M.D., F.A.C.C.   The Vegan Starter Kit)

When you want more bang for your nutritional buck, eat your greens. Greens are one of the most nutrient-dense foods in the world…”  (Ocean Robbins – Real Superfoods: Everyday Ingredients to Elevate Your Health)

Yours for a Joyful Journey,


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