
Try A Little Kindness
My newly invigorated goal to have more community has really made me evaluate how to make a new friend.  How do I best demonstrate kindness to turn an acquaintance into a friend?  The Golden Rule...
SelfTalk at 50
Change That Self Talk
I read, take classes and watch a lot of videos about nutrition and healthy lifestyles to ensure I stay on track.  I also study my Bible, attend church regularly, read devotional materials and attend...
One - Perspective
Something Albert Einstein once wrote to his friend Otto Juliusburger inspired me. “People like you and me, though mortal, of course, like everyone else, do not grow old no matter how long we live.  What...
Popeye Still
Eat Your Greens
When I was ten-years-old, we moved back to Prescott, Arizona and away from the lush garden, fruit trees and road side produce stands that provided the bulk of our diet in the San Joaquin Valley.  We also...
Staying in Tune
Have you ever thought about how many things you grew up believing that you now know are untrue?  You don’t have to go back to bloodletting days to see how far science has come.  In the early...
Tofu Rice
Transforming Family Recipes
When I was a small child, I was lucky enough to be poor.  So, we ate a lot of fresh vegetables from our garden, fruit from trees in the back yard, eggs from the chicken coop, fish from the freezer that...
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